Monday, December 15, 2008

Versace Builds Dubai Luxury Resort For Cool Beaches

Let's for one moment forget about the current global crisis, including the bank and auto industry bailouts, and the biggest Ponzi scheme in the history of, well, ever. We know that Dubai doesn't seem to take these matters very seriously, though. The construction boom there has reached an almost hysterical level of excess, including a massive casino project culminating in a 20 million dollar party attended by celebrities such as, Robert DeNiro, Michael Jordan, Charlize Theron, Lindsay Lohan, Wesley Snipes and Mary Kate Olsen, and featuring a fireworks display that was visible from space(!)

And despite sentiments like, "Dubai is the world's biggest toxic timebomb", comes word that Versace plans to open a resort with the world first refrigerated beach. Why, do you ask? Because they can. Don't hate. You know your ass would be there if you could afford it.

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