Monday, December 29, 2008

Family Fued: Beyonce Calls Out The Jackson Clan

I wasn't going to post anything today, feeling the Monday blues and all, but then I came across an item in which Beyonce allegedly made statements about the Jackson clan, calling them lower class. Granted, the original source of the statements is The National Enquirer, attributed to another unnnamed "source", and full disclosure, I got it from You Didn't Here It From Me. It still makes for compelling gossip, if you go for the kind of thing, and I know your ass does, too!
Apparently, Miss Jackson, would like to get all nasty and put a ring around the Bey's neck for comparing their upbringings. Here's what I got from YDHTFM:
"The former Destiny's Child singer said in a recent interview, "I grew up upper class. Private school. My dad had a Jaguar. We're African-American and we work together as a family, so people assume we're like The Jacksons."
But I didn't have parents using me to get out of a bad situation."
Knowles' comments were not welcome - and Janet now plans to confront her R&B rival. A source tells the National Enquirer magazine, "Beyonce's remark came out of left field and really stung Janet. She blew up."
Yes, Janet and the Jackson family came from Gary, Indiana, and there was a time they barely squeaked by. But Janet has many loving memories and is incensed that Beyonce would make a crack like that."
Janet wanted to know why Beyonce had to mention her family. They're not friends and barely know each other. She feels Beyonce went out of her way to tell the world she's from the upper class and the Jacksons were like a bunch of dirty gutter rats."
Janet is proud of her family and how they came from nothing and became superstars."Not only is Janet telling everyone who will listen that Beyonce has a lot of growing up to do and that she needs to stop trying to impress everyone, she's planning to confront Beyonce herself and read her the riot act."
I won't even bet on who wins this one. Y'all know where my loyalties lie, don't you?

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