Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I have to say, I don't know why there isn't more righteous anger over the fact that self-described clown and gold shill Glenn Beck would even consider holding a rally on the anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have A Dream" speech. At the same location, no less. There is a bizarre effort on the part of conservatives to rewrite history in terms of the civil rights movement, in that they are trying to claim the movement for themselves! Honestly, if I were to spend too much time thinking about this, I'd give myself a brain aneurysm. I don't want to die, so perhaps I should just shift my focus to other matters for the time being:

Embattled Congressman Charlie Rangel has a strong response for President Obama with regard to his political future

Are background checks just another form of discrimination?

A NYC Muslim cabbie was stabbed by a passenger after being asked what his religious beliefs were

Shirley Sherrod channels Tyra Banks and tells the USDA to kiss her fat black ass!

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