Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I've been meaning to get around to this since I first began Beezo. A VERY big thanks to Antoinette Celes, who has served, at times, as my music muse, therapist and kindred spirit, responsible for encouraging me to write for the first time, and published my first ever music reviews on her blog Adventures In Bahn Mi back in 2005. Madonna would not be pleased with my scathing review of Confessions On A Dance Floor, but I didn't start out so being so angry, though, as you can tell by this first entry, but it didn't take long for the snark to settle in, and by the time I was hired by Radar Online it was off to the races. Radar was definitely the high point for me, as they took a chance on a novice writer and gave me the opportunity of lifetime for which I will always be grateful; thank you Tyler Gray, Maer Roshan, Leigh Ann Boutwell, Alex Balk, Rachel Syme, and especially Adam Raymond for all your help, and for making my rough writing style look so good!

I mostly wrote the Daily Video feature, along with the occasional gossip and daily news items. I was also extremely lucky to have worked with a group of highly talented people who were cool in every sense of the word, and was never made to feel as if my opinion didn't matter, or that whatever rough talent I had wasn't nurtured. Although Radar has since folded, I was also lucky enough to have been featured in the last issue pictured above. Yes, I've still a very long way to go in terms of figuring out the nuts and bolts of managing a blog; hell, I can't even get my music streams to stay put, but that's okay for now. I'm just enjoying having a place where I can express myself, as incoherent as it might seem from time to time.
And thanks to anyone who might happen to "click by" and give me a read.

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