Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Okay, so you're an African American customer from South Jersey (Turnersville), gleaning the aisles of your local Walmart for some choice bargains. Yeah, yeah, you've heard all about the controversial and questionable business practices of said corporate behemoth, but hey, that 8-roll bargain price for toilet tissue ain't nothing to sneeze at. And with the economy being what it is, hell, even Targét's prices make a brother's wallet start wheezing. After a brief standoff in the housewares section (you saw those $3 cups first!), you're triumphantly marching your cart-o-bargains to the checkout line when you hear this message over the PA system, "Attention Walmart shoppers. All black people leave the store now".

Your first thought is, "Oh, hell naw - did they just?....No, I KNOW I didn't hear - Wait, hold up, hold up, hold the fuck up!" Your second thought is, "Now I'm not about to give up these bargains (I fought hard for these cups!), so somebody better start explaining!" Your third thought is to connect with another black customer so you can confirm that it wasn't just you that heard that announcement. Umm-hmm. They heard it too. Now you're standing there, indignant, incredulous, and more than a little embarassed. Was it a joke? It had to be, right? Was there a fight? Did somebody black hurt somebody white? Is this about the $3 cups?

As it turns out, a man used the PA system to make an announcement. Ha, funny. Store officials are examing the security tapes. See, you just know it couldn't have been someone who actually worked there. Because if that was the case, then somebody is getting their ass sued off.

And I'm with you all the way. Either way.

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