Wednesday, September 16, 2009


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During an interview with Brian Williams of NBC Nightly News, former president and humanitarian Jimmy Carter adressed the elephant in the room and said that he believes U.S. Rep. Joe Wilson's (read more about Joe here) outburst during President Obama's speech on healthcare was rooted in racism. This issue has been tiptoed around for too long, and quite frankly, it's time that someone finally had the courage to confront this head-on.

Much has been made about the tea parties, disruptive town hall meetings, Fox News ranters and other fringenuts being harmless, or a small minority of the right, but what does it take or how much time should pass before this idiocy spreads and infects more of the disillusioned resulting in violence against our president? Politicians are played a dangerous game of poking at the cookoo's nest with a stick and claiming that the denizens are just frustrated average folk. Not to mention the unprecedented blatant disrespect for the office of the president? Nazi! Socialist! Take our country back! Bury Obamacare With Kennedy! These are just some of the things being shouted at so-called patriot rallies and town hall meetings. It's fucking frightening, and as I read and watch the daily barrage of insults and attacks against a president who is, ironically, trying to engage in a bi-partisan effort to ensure universal healthcare for all, I sometimes feel physically ill. Okay, I admit that the healthcare issue is a bit complex, and I want him to "call out" those who are smiling in his face while simultaneously slipping the shiv in his back - and yes, I'm aware that this is how the Republicans play the game, but I wish the president would take off the kid gloves and call Joe Wilson an asshole just as easily as he called Kanye West a jackass!

That said, I know that our president is an assured tactician, and I wholly believe that he knows how to get the job done. It's only been eight months and there's much to do. But backhands must be served when due! And it's only a matter of time before the right mobilizes the fringe and for however ridiculous their claims, there is a growing movement. A potentially deadly movement.

Need further proof? Then watch this clip. It is ignorance in full bloom.

To those who are tired of the so called race card being played, face it - race is, and will continue to be an issue. Racism and prejudice against blacks, Asians, Hispanics, and other cultures is so ingrained into our culture, history and collective minds that it will most likely never disappear. It appears in every aspect of life including entertainment, fashion, the media, the classroom and the boardroom. Most of us do our best to compartmentalize it or develop thick skins in order to continue going about our daily business. There is also racism by minorities against other minorities. And a lot of us have made or laughed at the occasion racist joke, "slipped" an occasional slur or hold on to certain streotypical beliefs that were implanted into our minds as youths, which are then passed along, generation to generation. Or perhaps we may even have some innate feelings and ideas about race which needs to be addressed. But keep it real, it ain't going away no time soon, so wherever you stand, we must continue to encourage open dialogue and debate. It's pure and simple.

1 comment:

Marie said...

Thanks so much for posting this video. I hadn't seen it before. Although it is terrifying to realize those people are out there, it is better to be aware of what we're up against.

My local congressman held a town hall meeting. A woman in a wheelchair was booed as she tried to speak. An older woman was speaking about her disabled husband and disabled grown child when someone screamed "It's your fault". And when the congressman was speaking, some cretin yelled he should have been aborted.


Glen Beck, Fox "News", hate mongers, the country has lost it's mind.

I really enjoy your blog, by the way. :)